About Us

Discover a realm of unrivaled luxury and exceptional hospitality at Gares Place Hotel, nestled in the heart of Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria. Our hotel is more than just a place to stay; it's an experience designed to elevate your senses and make every moment memorable.

Exceptional Hospitality

Elevating experiences with exceptional hospitality - where every moment becomes unforgettable.


Indulge in opulence, where unrivaled luxury meets every expectation effortlessly.

Rooms & Suites

Why Choose Us?

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect, from meticulously designed accommodations to top-notch services. We pride ourselves on creating an atmosphere of warmth and sophistication, ensuring that each guest feels not just welcomed, but truly valued.

Unmatched Comfort

Indulge in meticulously designed rooms and suites, ensuring a perfect blend of opulence and relaxation for an unrivaled stay.

Exceptional Hospitality

Our dedicated team ensures impeccable service, catering to your every need with warmth and efficiency, elevating your overall experience.

Culinary Excellence

Savor exquisite culinary delights at our in-house restaurant, where skilled chefs craft a diverse menu for a gastronomic journey.

Welcome To Exceptional Hospitality

Elevating experiences with exceptional hospitality — where every moment becomes unforgettable.

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